Guild History

Guild History

In the late summer of 1986, a group of five women who were interested in spinning and weaving met at the home of Charlotte Headley. These women were: JoAnn Baker, Pam Franck, Janet Hart, and Pam Viens.

Much interest was shown in continuing these meetings to discuss and share with each other knowledge each had gained from experience. Programs were decided upon, and our next meeting would be on dyeing wool. This group continued to meet monthly. As time went by, Deborah Smith and Rachel Marks came into the group. Due to lack of funds to pay for a meeting place, a public invitation to join the group could not be offered.

The group continued to meet in private homes until James City County announced the opening of the Human Services Building on Old Towne Road. That building had a public meeting room that could be reserved for meetings by residents of James City County.

Charlotte Headley arranged for a reservation of the meeting room, and the first meeting was held in April of 1987.

The group named their organization The Williamsburg Spinners and Weavers Guild, and, as a guild, joined the Handweaver's Guild of America, the national organization of spinners and weavers.

The Williamsburg Spinners and Weavers Guild's first slate of officers was:

Charlotte Headley

Pam Franck

Deba Smith

JoAnn Baker

Janet Hart

Sandy Bond


Vice President




Treasurer (Appointed after the first public meeting)

Programs of interest were planned, workshops conducted with nationally known teachers, community service rendered, and, when requested, members of the Guiid participated in various festivals and demonstrations. As an outgrowth of the Guild's activities, interested members formed afternoon and evening spinning groups.

Over the years since the Guild was formed, published notices of meetings and personal invitations to prospective members have resulted in the steady growth of Guild membership.